Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. plan                   1. . plot \'pla:t\ n [ME, fr. OE] 1a: a small area of planted ground  1b: a 
   measured piece of land : LOT  2: GROUND PLAN, PLAT  3: the plan or main 
   story of a literary work  4: a secret plan for accomplishing a usu. evil or 
   unlawful end : INTRI GUE 5: a graphic representation (as a chart) CABAL 
   mean a plan secretly devised to accomplish an evil or treacherous end. PLOT 
   implies careful foresight in planning positive action; INTRIGUE suggests 
   secret underhand maneuvering in an atmosphere of duplicity; MACHINATION 
   implies a contriving of annoyances, injuries, or evils by indirect means; 
   CONSPIRACY implies a secret agreement among many persons not necessarily 
   for positive action; CABAL implies a political intrigue invoving persons of 
2. plot vb or plot.ted;  or plot.ting 1a: to make a plot, map, or plan of  
   1b: to mark or note on or as if on a map or chart  2: to lay out in plots  
   3a: to locate (a point) by means of coordinates  3b: to locate (a curve) by 
   plotted points  3c: to represent (an equation) by means of a curve so 
   constructed  4: to plan or contrive esp. secretly  : to form a plot : 
   CONSPIRE, SCHEME  - plot.ter n