Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. part                  
di.vi.sion \d*-'vizh-*n\ \-'vizh-n*l, -*n-*l\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L 
   division-, divisio, fr. divisus, pp. of Xdividere to divide 1a: the act or 
   process of dividing : the state of being divided  1b: the act, process, or 
   an instance of distributing among a number :  DISTRIBUTION obs  1c: a 
   method of arranging or disposing  2: one of the parts, sections, or 
   groupings into which a whole is divided  3a: the elementary organic unit of 
   combined arms that is tactically and adm inistratively a self-contained 
   unit capable of independent action 3b: a military unit made up normally of 
   five battle groups  3c1: the basic unit of men for administration aboard 
   ship and ashore  3c2: a tactical subdivision of a squadron of ships  4a: a 
   portion of a territorial unit marked off for administrative, judicial , or 
   other purposes 4b: an administrative or operating unit of a governmental, 
   business, or edu cational organization 5: a group of organisms forming part 
   of a larger group; specif : a  primary category of the plant kingdom 6: a 
   competitive class or category  7a: something that divides, separates, or 
   marks off  7b: the act, process, or an instance of separating or keeping 
   apart :  SEPARATION 8: the condition or an instance of being divided in 
   opinion or interest :  DISAGREEMENT 9: the physical separation into 
   different lobbies of the members of a parli amentary body voting for and 
   against a question 10: the operation of finding how many times one number 
   or quantity is conta ined in another 11: plant propagation by dividing 
   parts and planting segments capable of pr oducing roots and shoots - 
   di.vi.sion.al aj