Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sur.face \'s*r-f*s\ n [F, fr. sur- + face] 1: the exterior or upper 
   boundary of an object or body  2: a plane or curved two-dimensional locus 
   of points (as the boundary of a  three-dimensional region) {plane ~} {~ of 
   a sphere} 3: the external or superficial aspect of something  4: a complete 
   airfoil used for sustentation or control or to increase stabi lity - 
   surface aj
2. surface vt 1: to give a surface to : as  1a: to plane or make smooth  
   1b: to apply the surface layer to  2: to bring to the surface  1: to work 
   on or at the surface  2: to come to the surface  - sur.fac.er n