Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wail \'wa-(*)l\ vb [ME wailen, of Scand origin; akin to ON vla, 
   va-la to w]ail; akin to ON vei woe - more at WOE 1: to express sorrow 
   audibly : LAMENT  2: to make a sound suggestive of a mournful cry  3: to 
   express dissatisfaction plaintively : COMPLAIN  archaic  : BEWAIL  - 
   wail.er n
2. wail n 1: the act or practice of wailing : loud lamentation  2a: a usu. 
   prolonged cry or sound expressing grief or pain  2b: a sound suggestive of 
   wailing {the ~ of an air-raid siren}  2c: a querulous expression of 
   grievance : COMPLAINT