Webster's English Dictionary

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1. si.ren \'si--r*n, for 3 also si--'re-n\ n [ME, fr. MF & L; MF sereine, 
   fr. LL sirena, fr. L siren, fr.] [NL, genus name, fr. L]Gk seire-n often 
   cap  1: one of a group of creatures in Greek mythology having the heads and 
   some times the breasts and arms of women but otherwise the forms of birds 
   that lured mariners to destruction by their singing 2a: a woman who sings 
   with bewitching sweetness  2b: a temptingly beautiful woman; esp : one who 
   is insidiously sedu ctive : TEMPTRESS 3a: an apparatus producing musical 
   tones esp. in acoustical studies by the  rapid interruption of a current of 
   air, steam, or fluid by a perforated rotating disk 3b: a device often 
   electrically operated for producing a penetrating warnin g sound {ambulance 
   ~ air-raid ~} 4a: any of a genus (Siren) of eel-shaped amphibians with 
   small foreli mbs but neither hind legs nor pelvis and with permanent 
   external gills as well as lungs 4b: SEA COW 
2. si.ren also si.re.nic \'si--r*n\ \si--'ren-ik, -'re-n-\ aj : of or 
   relating to a siren : ENTICING, BEWITCHING {a @ song}