Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. hesitate               2. swing                 
1. wa.ver \'wa--v*r\ \'wa-v-(*-)rin\ \'wa--v*r-*r\ \'wa-v-(*-)rin-le-\ vi 
   or wa.ver.ing [ME waveren; akin to OE w-fre restless, wefan to]weave - 
   more at WEAVE 1: to vacillate irresolutely between choices : fluctuate in 
   opinion, all egiance, or direction 2a: to weave or sway unsteadily to and 
   fro : REEL, TOTTER  2b: QUIVER, FLICKER {~ing flames}  2c: FALTER  3: to 
   give an unsteady sound : QUAVER  - wa.ver.er n
2. waver n : an act of wavering, quivering, or fluttering