1. flick.er \'flik-*r\ \-(*-)rin\ vb or flick.er.ing [ME flikeren, fr. OE
flicorian] 1a: to waver unsteadily : FLUTTER 1b: to move in a quick
glancing manner 2: to burn fitfully or with a fluctuating light 3: to
appear in a tremulous incomplete form 1: to cause to flicker 2: to
produce by flickering
2. flicker \'flik-(*-)re-\ n 1a: an act of flickering 1b: a sudden brief
movement 1c: a momentary quickening 2: a wavering light 3: MOVIE - often
used in pl. - flick.ery aj
3. flicker n [prob. fr. 2flick] : a common large brightly marked woodpecker
(Colaptes auratus) of ea stern No. America; also : any of several related
birds of the southern and western U.S.