Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wreck \'rek\ n [ME wrek, fr. AF, of Scand origin; akin to ON rek wreck; 
   akin to OE] wrecan to drive 1: something cast up on the land by the sea 
   esp. after a shipwreck  2a: SHIPWRECK  2b: the action of wrecking or fact 
   or state of being wrecked : DESTRUC TION 3a: a hulk or the ruins of a 
   wrecked ship  3b: the broken remains of something wrecked or otherwise 
   ruined  3c: something disabled or in a state of ruin or dilapidation; also 
   :: a person or animal of broken constitution, health, or spirits
2. wreck vt 1: to cast ashore  2a: to reduce to a ruinous state by or as if 
   by violence  2b: SHIPWRECK  2c: to ruin, damage, or imperil by wreck  2d: 
   to involve in disaster or ruin  3: WREAK  1: to become wrecked  2: to rob, 
   salvage, or repair wreckage or a wreck