Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. mend                  
1. re.pair \ri-'pa(*)r, -'pe(*)r\ vi [ME repairen, fr. MF repairier to go 
   back to one's country, fr. LL]repatriare, fr. L re- + patria native country 
   - more at EXPATRIATE 1a: to betake oneself : GO  1b: RALLY  obs  2: RETURN 
2. repair n 1: the act of repairing : RESORT  2: a place of resort 
3. repair \-'par-*-b*l, -'per-\ \-*r\ \-'pa(*)r-m*n, -'pe(*)r-, -.man\ vb 
   [ME repairen, fr. MF reparer, fr. L reparare, fr. re- +] parare to prepare 
   - more at PARE 1a: to restore by replacing a part or putting together what 
   is torn or bro ken : FIX 1b: to restore to a sound or healthy state : RENEW 
    2: to make good : REMEDY to make up for : compensate for  : to make 
   repairs  - re.pair.able aj
4. repair n 1a: the act or process of repairing  1b: an instance or result 
   of repairing  1c: the replacement of destroyed cells or tissues by new 
   formations  2a: relative condition with respect to soundness or need of 
   repairing  2b: the state of being in good or sound condition