Webster's English Dictionary

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1. land \'land\ \'lan-dl*s\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG lant land, OIr land 
   open space] often attrib  1: the solid part of the surface of the earth; 
   specif : the surface  of the earth and all its natural resources 2a: a 
   portion of the earth's solid surface considered by itself  2b: the people 
   of a country  2c: REALM, DOMAIN  3a: ground or soil of a specified nature 
   or quality  pl  3b: territorial possessions  4: ground owned privately or 
   publicly  5: an area of a surface partly machined (as with grooves) that is 
   left with out such machining - land.less aj
2. land vt 1: to set or put on shore from a ship : DISEMBARK  2a: to set 
   down after conveying  2b: to cause to reach or come to rest in a particular 
   place  2c: to bring (an airplane) to a landing  3a: to catch and bring in 
   (as a fish)  3b: GAIN, SECURE  1a: to go ashore from a ship : DISEMBARK  of 
   a ship or boat  1b: to touch at a place on shore  2a: to come to the end of 
   a course or to a stage in a journey : ARRIV E 2b: to strike or meet the 
   ground (as after a fall)  of an airplane  2c: to alight on a surface