Cross references:
1. discard 2. throw
1. cast \'kast\ vb or cast; or [ME casten, fr. ON kasta; akin to
ON ko.s heap and perh. t]o L gerere to carry, wage 1a: to cause to move by
throwing {~ a fishing lure} 1b: DIRECT {~ a glance} 1c1: to put forth
{the fire ~s a warm glow} 1c2: to place as if by throwing {~ doubt upon
their reliability} 1d: to deposit (a ballot) formally 1e1: to throw off
or away {the horse ~ a shoe} 1e2: to get rid of : DISCARD {~ off all
restraint} 1e3: SHED, MOLT 1e4: to bring forth; esp : to give birth to
prematurely 1f: to throw to the ground esp. in wrestling 1g: to build by
throwing up earth 2a1: to perform arithmetical operations on : ADD 2a2:
to calculate by means of astrology archaic 2b: DECIDE, INTEND 3a: to
dispose or arrange into parts or into a suitable form or order 3b1: to
assign the parts of to actors 3b2: to assign to a role or part 4a: to
give a shape to (a substance) by pouring in liquid or plastic form into a
mold and letting harden without pressure {~ steel} 4b: to form by this
process {~ machine parts} 4c: to make a stereotype or other printing plate
from (letterpress matter) : PLATE 5: TURN {~ the scale slightly} 6: to
make (a knot or stitch) by looping or catching up 7: TWIST, WARP {a beam ~
by age} 1: to throw something; specif : to throw out a lure with a fishing
rod dial Brit 2: VOMIT dial Eng 3: to bear fruit : YIELD 4a: to
perform addition obs 4b: ESTIMATE, CONJECTURE 5: WARP 6: to make a cast
- used of hunting dogs or trackers 7a: VEER 7b: to wear ship 8: to take
form in a mold : to draw lots to determine a matter by chance - cast lots
2. cast n 1a: an act of casting 1b: something that happens as a result of
chance 1c: a throw of dice 1d: a throw of a line (as a fishing line) or
net 2a: the form in which a thing is constructed 2b: the set of
characters in a play or narrative 2c: the arrangement of draperies in a
painting 3: the distance to which a thing can be thrown; specif : the
distan ce a bow can shoot 4a: a turning of the eye in a particular
direction; also : EXPRE SSION 4b: a slight strabismus 5: something that is
thrown or the quantity thrown : as 5a: the number of hawks released by a
falconer at one time Brit 5b: the leader of a fishing line 5c: the
quantity of metal cast at a single operation 6a: something that is formed
by casting in a mold or form : as 6a1: a reproduction (as of a statue) in
metal or plaster : CASTING 6a2: a fossil reproduction of the details of a
natural object by mineral in filtration 6b: an impression taken from an
object with a liquid or plastic substance :: MOLD 6c: a rigid dressing of
gauze impregnated with plaster of paris for immobil izing a diseased or
broken part 7: FORECAST, CONJECTURE 8a: an overspread of a color : SHADE
8b: TINGE, SUGGESTION 9a: a ride on one's way in a vehicle : LIFT Scot
9b: HELP, ASSISTANCE 10a: SHAPE, APPEARANCE 10b: characteristic quality
11: something that is thrown out or off, shed, or ejected : as 11a: the
excrement of an earthworm 11b: a mass of plastic matter formed in cavities
of diseased organs and dis charged from the body 11c: the skin of an insect
12: the ranging in search of a trail by a dog, hunting pack, or tracker