Webster's English Dictionary

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bro.ken \'bro--k*n\ \-k*n-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. OE brocen, fr. pp. of brecan to 
   break] 1: violently separated into parts : SHATTERED  2: damaged or altered 
   by or as if by breaking : as  2a: FRACTURED {a ~ leg}  of land surfaces  
   2b: being irregular, interrupted, or full of obstacles  2c: violated by 
   transgression {a ~ promise}  2d: INTERRUPTED, DISCONTINUOUS  2e: disrupted 
   by change {~ home}  of a flower  2f: having an irregular, streaked, or 
   blotched pattern esp. from virus inf ection 3a: made weak or infirm  3b: 
   SUBDUED, CRUSHED {a ~ spirit}  3c: BANKRUPT  3d: reduced in rank  4a: cut 
   off : DISCONNECTED  4b: imperfectly spoken or written {~ English}  5: not 
   complete or full  - bro.ken.ly av