Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. execute               
ad.min.is.ter \*d-'min-*-st*r\ \-st(*-)rin\ \-str*-b*l\ \-str*nt\ vb or 
   ad.min.is.ter.ing [ME administren, fr. MF administrer, fr. L administrare, 
   fr.]ad- + ministrare to serve - more at MINISTER 1: to superintend the 
   execution, use, or conduct of  2a: to mete out : DISPENSE  2b: to give 
   ritually  2c: to give remedially  1: to perform the office of administrator 
    2: to furnish a benefit : MINISTER  3: to manage affairs  - 
   ad.min.is.tra.ble aj