Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. behave                
1. con.duct \'ka:n-(.)d*kt\ n [alter. of ME conduit, fr. OF, act of 
   leading, escort, fr. ML conductu]s, fr. L conductus, pp. of conducere obs  
   1: ESCORT, GUIDE  2: the act, manner, or process of carrying on : 
   MANAGEMENT  3: a mode or standard of personal behavior esp. as based on 
   moral principle s
2. con.duct \k*n-'d*kt\ \k*n-.d*k-t*-'bil-*t-e-\ \-'d*k-t*-b*l\ vt 1: 
   GUIDE, ESCORT  2: LEAD, DIRECT  3a: to convey in a channel  3b: to act as a 
   medium for conveying  4: BEHAVE  of a road or passage  1: to show the way : 
   LEAD  2a: to act as leader or director  2b: to have the quality of 
   transmitting light, heat, sound, or electricity ing responsibility for the 
   acts and achievements of a group; MANAGE implies direct handling and 
   manipulating or maneuvering toward a desired result; CONTROL implies a 
   regulating or restraining in order to keep within bounds or on a course; 
   DIRECT implies constant guiding and regulating so as to achieve smooth 
   operation - con.duct.ibil.i.ty n SYN syn MANAGE, CONTROL, DIRECT: CONDUCT 
   implies tak