Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. kill                   2. perform               
ex.e.cute \'ek-s*-.kyu:t\ vt [ME executen, fr. MF executer, back-formation 
   fr. execution] 1: to put into effect : carry out : PERFORM  2: to do what 
   is provided or required by {~ a decree}  3: to put to death in compliance 
   with a legal sentence  4: to make or produce esp. by carrying out a design  
   5: to perform what is required to give validity to {~ a deed} t of another 
   (as a people, a legislature). EXECUTE stresses the enforcing of the 
   specific provisions of a law, a will, a commission or command; ADMINISTER 
   implies the continuing exercise of deputed authority in pursuance of only 
   generally indicated goals rather than specifically prescribed means of 
   attaining them - ex.e.cut.er n SYN syn EXECUTE, ADMINISTER mean to carry 
   out the declared inten