Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ben.e.fit \'ben-*-.fit\ n [ME, fr. AF benfet, fr. L bene factum, fr. 
   neut. of bene factus)X archaic  1: an act of kindness : BENEFACTION  2a: 
   something that promotes well-being : ADVANTAGE  2b: useful aid : HELP  3a: 
   financial help in time of sickness, old age, or unemployment  3b: a payment 
   or service provided for under an annuity, pension plan, or in surance 
   policy 4: an entertainment or social event to raise funds for a person or 
2. benefit vb or ben.e.fit.ed or ben.e.fit.ted;  or ben.e.fit.ing;  or 
   ben.e.fit.ting : to be useful or profitable to {medicines that ~ mankind}  
   : to receive benefit {~ from experience}