Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. conduct               
1. man.age \'man-ij\ vb [It maneggiare, fr. mano hand, fr. L manus] 1: 
   HANDLE, CONTROL  2: to make and keep submissive  3: to treat with care : 
   HUSBAND  4: to alter by manipulation  5: to succeed in accomplishing : 
   CONTRIVE  1a: to direct or carry on business or affairs  1b: to admit of 
   being carried on  2: to achieve one's purpose 
2. manage n [It maneggio management, training of a horse, fr. maneggiare] 
   archaic  1a: the action and paces of a trained riding horse  1b: the 
   schooling or handling of a horse  1c: a riding school : MANEGE  obs  2: