Webster's English Dictionary

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anat.o.my \*-'nat-*-me-\ n [LL anatomia dissection, fr. Gk anatome-, fr. 
   anatemnein t]o dissect, fr. ana- + temnein to cut - more at TOME 1: a 
   branch of morphology that deals with the structure of organisms  2: a 
   treatise on anatomic science or art  3: the art of separating the parts of 
   an animal or plant in order to ascert ain their position, relations, 
   structure, and function : DISSECTION) M obs  4: a body dissected or to be 
   dissected  5: structural makeup esp. of an organism or any of its parts  6: 
   a separating or dividing into parts for detailed examination : ANAL YSIS 
   7a1: SKELETON  7a2: MUMMY  7b: the human body