Webster's English Dictionary

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1. func.tion \'f*n(k)-sh*n\ \-l*s\ n [L function-, functio performance, fr. 
   functus, pp. of fun]gi to perform; prob. akin to Skt bhun.kte he enjoys 1: 
   professional or official position : OCCUPATION  2: the action for which a 
   person or thing is specially fitted or used or fo r which a thing exists 3: 
   an impressive, elaborate, or formal ceremony or social gathering  4: one of 
   a group of related actions contributing to a larger action; es p : the 
   normal and specific contribution of a bodily part to the economy of a 
   living organism 5a: a mathematical entity that assigns to each element of 
   one set at least  one element of the same or another set 5b: a quality, 
   trait, or fact dependent on and varying with another  5c: SENTENTIAL 
   FUNCTION ts or operations expected of a person or thing. FUNCTION is 
   comprehensively applicable to the proper or characteristic action of a 
   person, living thing, manufactured or created thing; OFFICE applies to the 
   work or more often service expected from one in a particular relation to 
   others or having a special fitness or training {needs the offices of an 
   editor}; DUTY applies to a task imposed by one's occupation, rank, status, 
   or calling; PROVINCE applies to any duty or function that comes within 
   one's jurisdiction, powers, or competence - func.tion.less aj SYN syn 
2. function \-sh(*-)nin\ vi or func.tion.ing 1: to have a function : SERVE 
   {an attributive noun ~sX as an adjective} 2: to be in action : OPERATE {a 
   government ~s throug h numerous divisions}