Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cut \'k*t\ vb or cut;  or cut.ting [ME cutten] 1a: to penetrate with or 
   as if with an edged instrument  1b: to hurt the feelings of  1c: to strike 
   sharply with a cutting effect  1d: to strike (a ball) with a glancing blow 
   imparting a reverse spin  2a: TRIM, PARE  2b: to shorten by omissions  2c: 
   DISSOLVE, DILUTE  2d: to reduce in amount  3a: MOW, REAP  3b1: to divide 
   into parts with an edged tool  3b2: FELL, HEW  3c: to separate from an 
   organization : DETACH  3d: to change the direction of sharply  4a: to 
   divide into segments  4b: INTERSECT CROSS  4c: BREAK, INTERRUPT  4d1: to 
   divide (a deck of cards) into two portions  4d2: to draw (a card) from the 
   deck  4e: to divide into shares : SPLIT  5a: STOP, CEASE  5b: to refuse to 
   recognize (as acquaintance) : OSTRACIZE  5c: to absent oneself from (as a 
   class)  5d: to stop (a motor) by opening a switch  5e: to terminate the 
   photographing of (a motion-picture scene)  6a: to make by or as if by 
   cutting : as  6a1: CARVE  6a2: to shape by grinding  6a3: ENGRAVE  6a4: to 
   shear or hollow out  6b: to record sounds (as speech or music) on (a 
   phonograph record)  6c: to type on a stencil  7a: EXECUTE, PERFORM  7b: to 
   give the appearance or impression of {~ a fine figure}  1a: to function as 
   or as if as an edged tool  1b: to admit of being cut  1c: to perform the 
   operation of dividing, severing, incising, or intersect ing 1d: to pierce 
   through incisively  1e: to make a stroke with a whip, sword, or other 
   weapon  1f: to wound feelings or sensibilities  1g: to cause constriction 
   or chafing  1h: to be of effect, influence, or significance  2a1: to divide 
   a pack of cards esp. in order to decide the deal or settle  a bet 2a2: to 
   draw a card from the pack  2b: to divide spoils : SPLIT  3a: to go across 
   rather than around  3b: to move swiftly  3c: to describe an oblique or 
   diagonal line  3d: to change sharply in direction : SWERVE  3e: to make an 
   abrupt transition from one sound or image to another in mot ion pictures, 
   radio, or television 4: to cease photographing motion pictures 
2. cut n 1: something that is cut or cut off : as  1a: a length of cloth 
   varying from 40 to 100 yards in length  1b: the yield of products cut esp. 
   during one harvest  1c: a customary segment of a meat carcass  1d: a group 
   of animals selected from a herd  1e: SHARE  2: the effect produced by 
   cutting : as  2a: a creek, channel, or inlet made by excavation or worn by 
   natural action  2b: an opening made with an edged instrument  2c: a surface 
   or outline left by cutting  2d: a passage cut as a roadway  2e: a grade or 
   step esp. in a social scale  2f: a subset of a set that when subtracted 
   from the set leaves the remainde r disconnected 2g: a pictorial 
   illustration  3: the act or an instance of cutting : as  3a: a gesture or 
   expression that wounds the feelings  3b: a straight passage or course  3c: 
   a stroke or blow with the edge of a knife or other edged tool  3d: the lash 
   of a whip  3e: the act of reducing or removing a part  3f: a quick 
   replacement of one foot by the other in dancing  3g: act or turn of cutting 
   cards; also : the result of cutting  4: a voluntary absence from a class  
   5a: a stroke that cuts a ball; also : the spin imparted by such a s troke 
   5b: a swing by a batter at a pitched baseball  5c: an exchange of captures 
   in checkers  6: an abrupt transition from one sound or image to another in 
   motion pictur es, radio, or television 7a: the shape and style in which a 
   thing is cut, formed, or made  7b: PATTERN, TYPE