Webster's English Dictionary

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1. an.nu.al \'an-y*(-w*)l\ \-e-\ aj [ME, fr. MF & LL; MF annuel, fr. LL 
   annualis, blend of L annuus)X yearly (fr. annus year) and L annalis yearly 
   (fr. annus year); akin to Goth athnam (dat. pl.) years, Skt atati he walks, 
   goes 1: covering the period of a year  2: occurring or performed once a 
   year : YEARLY  3: completing the life cycle in one growing season  - 
   an.nu.al.ly av
2. annual n 1: a publication appearing yearly  2: an event that occurs 
   yearly  3: something that lasts one year or season; specif : an annual plan 