Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sea.son \'se-z-*n\ n [ME, fr. OF saison, fr. L satio-, sation action of 
   sowing, fr] [ME sesoun, fr. sesounen]. satus, pp. of serere to sow - more 
   at SOW 1: a suitable or natural time or occasion  2a: a period of the year 
   associated with some phase or activity of agricult ure (as growth or 
   harvesting) 2b: the period normally characterized by a particular kind of 
   weather {a  long rainy ~} 2c: a period of the year marked by special 
   activity in some field (as socia l, cultural, or business) {theatrical ~} 
   {social ~} 2d: the time of a major holiday  obs  3: something that gives 
   relish : SEASONING 
2. season \'se-z-nin, -*n-in\ \'se-z-n*r, -*n-*r\ vb or sea.son.ing [ME 
   sesounen, fr. MF assaisoner to ripen, season, fr. OF, fr. a-] (fr. L ad-) + 
   saison season 1a: to make palatable by adding salt or condiment  archaic  
   1b: to qualify by admixture : TEMPER  2a: to treat (as lumber) so as to 
   prepare for use  2b: to make fit by experience  : to become seasoned  - 
   sea.son.er n