Webster's English Dictionary

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year \'yi(*)r\ n [ME yere, fr. OE ge-ar; akin to OHG ja-r year, Gk ho]-ros 
   year, ho-ra season, hour, L ire to go - more at ISSUE 1a: the period of 
   about 3651/4 solar days required for one revo lution of the earth around 
   the sun 1b: the time required for the apparent sun to return to an 
   arbitrary fixed  or moving reference point in the sky 2a: a cycle in the 
   Gregorian calendar of 365 or 366 days divided into 12 mo nths beginning 
   with January and ending with December 2b: a period of time equal to one 
   year of the Gregorian calendar but beginn ing at a different time 3: a 
   calendar year specified usu. by a number  pl  4: a time or era having a 
   special significance  pl  5: AGE; also : the final stage of the normal life 
   span  6: a period of time (as the usu. nine-month period in which a school 
   is in  session) other than a calendar year