Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. mix                   
1. blend \'blend\ \'blent\ vb or blend.ed also blent;  also blend.ing [ME 
   blenden, modif. of ON blanda; akin to OE blandan to mix,]Lithblandus thick 
   (of soup) 1: MIX; esp : to combine or associate so that the separate c 
   onstituents or the line of demarcation cannot be distinguished 2: to 
   prepare by thoroughly intermingling different varieties or grades  3: to 
   darken the tips of (a fur) with dye  1a: to mingle intimately  1b: to 
   combine into an integrated whole  2: to produce a harmonious effect : 
   HARMONIZE  - blend.er n
2. blend n : something produced by blending : as  : a product (as a 
   whiskey) prepared by blending  : a word produced by combining other words 
   or parts of words in an unusua l way