Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cy.cle or cy.cli.cal \'si--k*l 6 also 'sik-*l\ \'si--klik, 'sik-lik\ 
   \'si--kli-k*l, 'sik-li-\ \-k(*-)le-\ n [F or LL; F, fr. LL cyclus, fr. Gk 
   kyklos circle, wheel, cycle -] often attrib more at WHEEL 1: an interval of 
   time during which a sequence of a recurring succession of  events or 
   phenomena is completed 2a: a course or series of events or operations that 
   recur regularly and usu . lead back to the starting point 2b: one complete 
   performance of a vibration, electric oscillation, current  alternation, or 
   other periodic process 3: a circular or spiral arrangement : as  3a: an 
   imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens  3b: WHORL  3c: RING  4: a long 
   period of time : AGE  5a: a group of poems, plays, novels, or songs 
   treating the same theme  5b: a series of narratives dealing typically with 
   the exploits of a legenda ry hero 6a: BICYCLE  6b: TRICYCLE  6c: MOTORCYCLE 
    - cy.cli.c aj
2. cy.cle \'si--k*l, "ride" also 'sik-*l\ \'si--k(*-)lin, 'sik(-*)-\ 
   \'si--k(*-)l*r, 'sik(-*)-\ vb or cy.cling 1a: to pass through a cycle  1b: 
   to recur in cycles  2: to ride a cycle; specif : BICYCLE  : to cause to go 
   through a cycle  - cy.cler n