Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ar.bor or ar.bour \'a:r-b*r\ n [ME erber plot of grass, arbor, fr. OF 
   herbier plot of grass, fr. (] chiefly BritXherbe herb, grass : a bower of 
   vines or branches or of latticework covered with climbing shr ubs or vines
2. arbor \'a:r-b*-.re-z\ n or ar.bo.res [L, tree, shaft] 1a: a main shaft 
   or beam  1b: a spindle or axle of a wheel  1c: a shaft on which a revolving 
   cutting tool is mounted  1d: a spindle on a cutting machine that holds the 
   work to be cut  pl  2: a tree as distinguished from a shrub