Webster's English Dictionary

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1. beam \'be-m\ n [ME beem, fr. OE be-am tree, beam; akin to OHG boum tree] 
   1a: a long piece of heavy often squared timber suitable for use in construc 
   tion 1b: a wood or metal cylinder in a loom on which the warp is wound  1c: 
   the part of a plow to which handles, standard, and colter are attached  1d: 
   the bar of a balance from which scales hang  1e: a horizontal supporting 
   structural member; also : BOOM, (MSPAR 1f: the extreme width of a ship at 
   the widest part  1g: an oscillating lever of a central axis receiving 
   motion at one end from  an engine piston rod and transmitting it at the 
   other 2a: a ray or shaft of light  2b: a collection of nearly parallel rays 
   (as X rays) or particles (as elect rons) 2c: a constant directional radio 
   signal transmitted for the guidance of pil ots; also : the course indicated 
   by a radio beam 3: the main stem of a deer's antler  4: the width of the 
   buttocks  : on a true course  - on the beam 
2. beam vt 1: to emit in beams or as a beam  2: to support with beams  3a: 
   to aim (a broadcast) by directional antennas  3b: to direct to a particular 
   audience  1: to send out beams of light  2: to smile with joy