Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. implement             
1. tool \'tu:l\ n [ME, fr. OE to-l; akin to OE tawian to prepare for use - 
   more]at TAW 1a: an instrument (as a hammer) used or worked by hand : 
   IMPLEMENT  1b1: the cutting or shaping part in a machine or machine tool  
   1b2: a machine for shaping metal : MACHINE TOOL  2a: an instrument or 
   apparatus used in performing an operation or necessary  in the practice of 
   a vocation or profession {a scholar's books are ~s} 2b: a means to an end  
   3: one who is used or manipulated by another : DUPE 
2. tool vt 1: DRIVE  2: to shape, form, or finish with a tool; specif : to 
   letter or or nament (as a book cover) by means of hand tools 3: to equip 
   (as a plant or industry) with tools, machines, and instruments  for 
   production 1: DRIVE, RIDE  2: to use tools  3: to equip a plant or industry 
   with the machines, tools, and instruments  required for production