Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wheel \'hwe-(*)l, 'we-(*)l\ n [ME, fr. OE hweogol, hwe-ol; akin to ON 
   hve-l wheel, Gk] often attrib  kyklos circle, wheel, Skt cakra, L colere to 
   cultivate, inhabit, Gk telos end 1: a circular frame of hard material that 
   may be solid, partly solid, or sp oked and that is capable of turning on an 
   axle 2: a contrivance or apparatus having as its principal part a wheel : 
   as  2a: a chiefly medieval instrument of torture designed for stretching, 
   disjo inting, or otherwise mutilating a victim 2b: BICYCLE  2c: any of many 
   revolving disks or drums used as gambling paraphernalia  3: an imaginary 
   turning wheel symbolizing the inconstancy of fortune  4: something 
   resembling a wheel in shape or motion; specif : a fire work that rotates 
   while burning 5a: a curving or circular movement  5b: a rotation or turn 
   usu. about an axis or center; specif : a tur ning movement of troops or 
   ships in line in which the units preserve alignment and relative positions 
   as they change direction 6a: a moving or essential part of something 
   likened to a machine {the @s of government} 6b: a directing or controlling 
   force  6c: a person of importance esp. in an organization {big ~}  7: the 
   refrain or burden of a song  8a: a circuit of theaters or places of 
   entertainment  8b: a sports league 
2. wheel vi 1: to turn on or as if on an axis : REVOLVE  2: to change 
   direction as if revolving on a pivot {the battalion would h ave ~ed to the 
   flank -Walter Bernstein} {~ed about and walked briskly aft -L.C. Douglas} 
   {her mind will ~ around to the other extreme -Liam O'flaherty} 3: to move 
   or extend in a circle or curve {birds in ~ing fli ght} {valleys where young 
   cotton ~ed slowly in fanlike rows -William Faulkner} 4: to drive or go on 
   or as if on wheels or in a wheeled vehicle  1: to cause to turn on or as if 
   on an axis : ROTATE  2: to convey or move on or as if on wheels or in a 
   wheeled vehicle; esp  : to drive (a vehicle) at high speed 3: to cause to 
   change direction as if revolving on a pivot  4: to make or perform in a 
   circle or curve