Webster's English Dictionary

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1. main \'ma-n\ n [in sense 1, fr. ME, fr. OE maegen; akin to OHG magan 
   strength, OE]magan to be able; in other senses, fr. 2main or by shortening 
   - more at MAY 1: physical strength : FORCE - used in the phrase with might 
   a nd main 2a: MAINLAND  2b: HIGH SEA  3: the chief part : essential point  
   4: a pipe, duct, or circuit to or from which lead tributary branches of a u 
   tility system and which carries their combined flow 5a: MAINMAST  5b: 
2. main aj [ME, fr. OE maegen-, fr. maegen strength] 1a: OUTSTANDING, 
   CONSPICUOUS  1b: CHIEF, PRINCIPAL  2: fully exerted : SHEER {~ force by ~ 
   strength}  obs  3: of or relating to a broad expanse (as of sea)  4: 
   connected with or located near the mainmast or mainsail  5: expressing the 
   chief predication in a complex sentence {the ~ c lause}
3. main n [prob. fr. 2main] 1: a number exceeding four and not exceeding 
   nine called by the caster in t he game of hazard before throwing 2: a 
   cockfight series consisting of an odd number of matches