Webster's English Dictionary

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1. blot \'bla:t\ n [ME] 1: SPOT, STAIN  2: DISGRACE, BLEMISH 
2. blot vt or blot.ted;  or blot.ting 1: to spot, stain, or spatter with 
   some discoloring substance  2: to make obscure : ECLIPSE  obs  3: MAR; esp 
   : to stain with infamy  4a: to dry with blotting paper or other absorbing 
   agent  4b: to remove by blotting the surface  1: to make a blot  2: to 
   become marked with a blot 
3. blot n [origin unknown] 1: a backgammon man exposed to capture  archaic  
   2: a weak or exposed point