Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dry \'dri-\ \'dri-(-*)r\ \'dri--*st\ aj or dri.er;  or dri.est [ME, fr. 
   OE dry-ge; akin to OHG truckan dry, and perh. to ON ]draugr dry wood 1: 
   free from water or liquid  2: characterized by loss or lack of water : as  
   2a: lacking precipitation and humidity  2b: lacking freshness : STALE  2c: 
   ANHYDROUS  3a: not being in or under water {~ land}  3b: using no liquid {~ 
   masonry}  3c: served without butter  3d: DEHYDRATED  of natural gas  3e: 
   containing no recoverable gasoline or other liquid hydrocarbon  3f: 
   functioning without lubrication {~ clutch}  4a: THIRSTY  4b: marked by the 
   absence of alcoholic beverages  4c: no longer liquid or sticky {the ink is 
   ~}  5a: depleted of liquid contents : EMPTY {~ well}  5b: devoid of running 
   water  6: not giving milk  7a: not shedding tears  7b: marked by the 
   absence or scantiness of secretions, effusions, or other  forms of moisture 
   {~ cough} 8: practiced without some essential {~ firing}  9a: solid as 
   opposed to liquid {~ groceries}  9b: SLACK  10: not manifesting or 
   communicating warmth, enthusiasm, or tender feeling  : SEVERE {~ style of 
   painting} 11a: not yielding what is expected or desired : BARREN  11b: 
   RESERVED, ALOOF  12: marked by a matter-of-fact, ironic, or terse manner of 
   expression {(R@ humor} 13: having no personal bias or emotional concern {~ 
   light of reaso n} 14: UNINTERESTING, WEARISOME {~ passages of descriptio n} 
   15a: not sweet : SEC  15b: lacking smooth sound qualities  16: relating to 
   the prohibition of the manufacture or distribution of alco holic 
   beveragesbsence of moisture in any degree and applies equally to a normal 
   or an abnormal condition; ARID always implies abnormality or at least 
   undesirability, suggesting such an extreme of dryness that fertility is 
   entirely lacking SYN syn DRY, ARID mean lacking moisture. DRY may suggest a 
2. dry vb or dried;  or dry.ing : to make dry  : to become dry 
3. dry n or drys pl  1: DRYNESS  2: something dry; esp : a dry place  3: