Webster's English Dictionary

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1. blem.ish \'blem-ish\ vt [ME blemisshen, fr. MF blesmiss-, stem of 
   blesmir to make pal]e, wound, of Gmc origin; akin to G blass pale; akin to 
   OE blse torch - more at BLAZE : to spoil by a flaw : SULLY 
2. blemish n : a noticeable imperfection; esp : one that impairs appearance 
   but  not utilityMISH suggests something that affects only the surface or 
   appearance; DEFECT implies a lack or want that is often hidden and is 
   essential to completeness or perfect functioning; FLAW suggests a small 
   defect in continuity or cohesion that is likely to cause failure under 
   stress SYN syn BLEMISH, DEFECT, FLAW mean an imperfection. BLE