Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dis.grace \dis-'gra-s\ vt 1: to bring reproach or shame to  2: to put to 
   shame or out of favor  - dis.grac.er n
2. disgrace n [MF, fr. OIt disgrazia, fr. dis- [fr. L) + grazia grace, fr]. 
   L gratia - more at GRACE 1a: loss of grace, favor, or honor  1b: the 
   condition of one fallen from grace or honor  2: something causing a fall 
   from grace or bringing dishonor INY, OPPROBRIUM: DISGRACE implies a loss of 
   favor or esteem once enjoyed or a severe humiliation not necessarily 
   deserved; DISHONOR often equals DISGRACE but may imply loss of self-esteem; 
   DISREPUTE stresses loss of one's good name or the attachment of a bad name 
   or reputation; SHAME stresses a painful or humiliating disgrace often 
   suffered because of another's act or behavior and often implies feelings of 
   guilt and remorse; INFAMY stresses notoriety and well-deserved extreme 
   contempt; IGNOMINY applies chiefly to the humiliation of defeat or insult 
   usu. without implication of moral blame; OPPROBRIUM adds to DISGRACE the 
   implication of severe reproach or condemnation SYN syn DISHONOR, DISREPUTE,