Cross references:
1. catch
1. cap.ture \'kap-ch*r\ n [MF, fr. L captura, fr. captus, pp. of capere] 1:
the act of catching or gaining control by force, stratagem, or guile 2:
one that has been taken; esp : a prize ship 3: the act of moving so as to
take an opponent's chessman or checker 4: the coalescence of an atomic
nucleus with an elementary particle that ma y result in an emission from or
fission of the nucleus
2. capture \'kap-ch*-rin, 'kap-shrin\ vt or 1a: to take captive
: WIN GAIN {~ a city} 1b: to preserve in a relatively permanent form 2:
to take according to rules of a game 3: to bring about the capture of (an
elementary particle)