Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bo.som \'bu.z-*m, 'bu:z-\ n [ME, fr. OE bo-sm; akin to OHG buosam bosom, 
   Skt bhu-ri] abundant - more at BIG 1: the front of the human chest; esp : 
   the female breasts  2a: the anatomical center of secret thoughts and 
   emotions  2b: close relationship : EMBRACE {lived in the ~ of her fam ily} 
   3a: a broad surface  3b: an inmost recess  4a: the part of garment covering 
   the breast  4b: the space between the breast and the garment covering it 
2. bosom vt 1: to enclose or carry in the bosom  2: EMBRACE 
3. bosom aj : CLOSE, INTIMATE {~ friends}