Webster's English Dictionary

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1. car.ry \'kar-e-\ vb [ME carien, fr. ONF carier to transport in a 
   vehicle, fr. car] vehicle, fr. L carrus - more at CAR 1: to move while 
   supporting (as a package) : TRANSPORT  2: CONVEY, TAKE  chiefly dial  3: 
   CONDUCT, ESCORT  4: to influence by mental or emotional appeal : SWAY  5: 
   to get possession or control of : CAPTURE  6: to transfer from one place to 
   another {~ a number in adding}  7: to contain and direct the course of {the 
   drain carries sewage> 8a: to wear or have upon one's person  8b: to bear 
   upon or within one  9a: to have as a mark, attribute, or property {~ a 
   scar}  9b: IMPLY, INVOLVE {the crime carried a heavy penalty)> 10: to hold 
   or comport {as one's person} in a specified manner  11: to sustain the 
   weight or burden of {pillars ~ an arch}  12: to bear as a crop  13: to sing 
   with reasonable correctness of pitch  14a: to keep in stock for sale; also 
   : to provide sustenance for <(land ~ing 10 head of cattle} 14b: to have or 
   maintain on a list or record {~ a person on a payr oll} 15: to maintain and 
   cause to continue through financial support or persona l effort 16: to 
   prolong in space, time, or degree  17a: to gain victory for; esp : to 
   secure the adoption or passage  of 17b1: to succeed in (an election)  17b2: 
   to win a majority of votes in (as a legislative body or a state)  18: 
   PUBLISH  19a: to bear the charges of holding or having (as stocks or 
   merchandise) f rom one time to another 19b: to keep on one's books as a 
   debtor  20: to hold to and follow after (as a scent)  21: to hoist and 
   maintain (a sail) in use  22: to cover (a distance) or pass (an object) at 
   a single stroke in golf  23: to allow (an opponent) to make a good showing 
   by lessening one's oppos ition 1: to act as a bearer  2a: to reach or 
   penetrate to a distance {voices ~ well}  2b: to convey itself to a reader 
   or audience  3: to undergo or admit of carriage in a specified way  of a 
   hunting dog  4: to keep and follow the scent  5: to win adoption something 
   from one place to another. CARRY tends to emphasize the means by which 
   something is moved or the fact of supporting off the ground while moving; 
   BEAR stresses the effort of sustaining or the importance of what is carried 
   {bear the banner aloft} CONVEY suggests the continuous movement of 
   something in the mass; TRANSPORT implies the moving of something to its 
   destination SYN syn CARRY, BEAR, CONVEY, TRANSPORT mean to move 
2. carry n 1: the range of a gun or projectile or of a struck or thrown 
   ball  2a: the act or method of carrying  2b: PORTAGE  3: the position 
   assumed by a bearer with color staff or guidon in position  for marching