Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. large                 
1. big \'big\ aj or big.ger;  or big.gest [ME, prob. of Scand origin; akin 
   to Norw dial. bugge important man; akin]to OE by-l boil, Skt bhu-ri 
   abundant obs  1a: a great strength  1b: of great force {a ~ storm}  2a: 
   large in dimensions, bulk, or extent {~ house}; also :: large in quantity, 
   number, or amount {a ~ fleet} 2b: conducted on a large scale {~ government} 
    3a: PREGNANT; esp : nearly ready to give birth  3b: full to bursting : 
   SWELLING  of the voice  3c: full and resonant  4a: CHIEF, PREEMINENT  4b: 
   OUTSTANDING, PROMINENT; esp : outstandingly worthy  or able {a truly ~ man} 
   4c: of great importance or significance {the ~ moment} IMPOSI NG, 
   PRETENTIOUS; also : BOASTFUL {~ talk} 4e: MAGNANIMOUS, GENEROUS  - big.ly 
2. big av 1: to a large amount or extent  2a: in an outstanding manner  2b: