Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. suggest                2. familiar              
1. in.ti.mate \'int-*-.ma-t\ \.int-*-'ma--sh*n\ vt [LL intimatus, pp. of 
   intimare to put in, announce, fr. L intimu]s innermost, superl. of 
   (assumed) OL interus inward - more at INTERIOR 1: ANNOUNCE, DECLARE  2: to 
   communicate indirectly : HINT  - in.ti.mat.er n
2. in.ti.mate \'int-*-m*t\ aj [alter. of obs . intime, fr. L intimus] 1a: 
   INTRINSIC, ESSENTIAL  1b: belonging to or characterizing one's deepest 
   nature  2: marked by very close association, contact, of familiarity  3a: 
   marked by a warm friendship developing through long association  3b: 
   suggesting informal warmth or privacy {~ clubs}  4: of a very personal or 
   private nature  - in.ti.mate.ly av
3. in.ti.mate \'int-*-m*t\ n : an intimate friend or confidant