Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. accidental             2. random                
1. ca.su.al \'kazh-(*-)w*l, 'kazh-*l\ \-e-\ aj [ME, fr. MF & LL; MF casuel, 
   fr. LL casualis, fr. L casus fal]l, chance 1: subject to, resulting from, 
   or occurring by chance  2a: occurring without regularity : OCCASIONAL  2b: 
   employed for irregular periods  3a: feeling or showing little concern : 
   NONCHALANT  3b1: INFORMAL, NATURAL  3b2: designed for informal use  - 
   ca.su.al.ly av
2. casual n 1: a casual or migratory worker  2: an officer or enlisted man 
   awaiting assignment or transportation to his  unit