Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ir.reg.u.lar \(')ir-'(r)eg-y*-l*r\ aj [ME irreguler, fr. MF, fr. LL 
   irregularis not in accordance with ru]le, fr. L in- + regularis regular 1a: 
   behaving without regard to established laws, customs, or moral princip les 
   1b: not belonging to some particular group or organized body  2a: failing 
   to accord with what is usual, proper, accepted, or right  2b: not 
   conforming to the normal or usual manner of inflection {sell)X, cast, feed 
   are ~ verbs}; specif : STRONG 2c1: improper or inadequate because of 
   failure to conform to a prescribed  course 2c2: celebrated without either 
   proclamation of the banns or publication of  intention to marry : 
   CLANDESTINE {~ marriage} 2d: not belonging to the regular army organization 
   but raised for a specia l purpose {~ troops} 3: lacking perfect symmetry or 
   evenness; specif : ZYGOMORPHICM {~ flowers} 4: lacking continuity or 
   regularity esp. of occurrence or activity ming to a law or regulation 
   imposed for the sake of uniformity in method, practice, or conduct 
   {irregular behavior} ANOMALOUS implies not conforming to what might be 
   expected because of the class or type to which it belongs or the laws that 
   govern its existence {anomalous situation} UNNATURAL suggests what is 
   contrary to nature or to principles or standards felt to be essential to 
   the well-being of civilized society {unnatural cruelty} - ir.reg.u.lar.ly 
   av SYN syn ANOMALOUS, UNNATURAL: IRREGULAR implies not confor 
2. irregular n : one that is irregular : as  : a soldier who is not a 
   member of a regular military force  pl  : merchandise that has 
   imperfections or that falls below the manufacturer 's usual standard or 