Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. regular                2. fool                  
1. nat.u.ral \'nach-(*-)r*l\ \'nach-(*-)r*-le-, 'nach-*r-le-\ 
   \-(*-)r*l-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L naturalis of nature, fr. natura 
   nature] 1: based on an inherent sense of right and wrong {~ justice}  2a: 
   being in accordance with or determined by nature  2b: having or 
   constituting a classification based on features existing in  nature chiefly 
   dial  3a1: begotten as distinguished from adopted; esp : LEGITIMATEM 3a2: 
   being a relation by actual consanguinity as distinguished from adopti on {~ 
   parents} 3b: ILLEGITIMATE {~ child}  4: consonant with the nature or 
   character of someone or something  5: INBORN, INNATE  6: of or relating to 
   nature as an object of study and research  7: having a specified character 
   by nature  8a: occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature 
   {~  causes} 8b: inferred from nature rather than revelation {~ theology}  
   8c: having a normal or usual character  9: characterized by qualities held 
   to be part of the nature of man  10a: growing as a native and without 
   cultivation  10b: existing in or produced by nature  11a: being in a state 
   of nature without spiritual enlightenment : UNR EGENERATE 11b: living in or 
   as if in a state of nature untouched by the influences o f civilization and 
   society 12a: having a physical or real existence as contrasted with one 
   that is sp iritual, intellectual, or mental 12b: of, relating to, or 
   operating in the physical as opposed to the spiri tual world 13a: closely 
   resembling the object imitated  13b: free from artificiality, affectation, 
   or constraint  13c: having a form or appearance found in nature  14a: 
   having neither flats nor sharps {the ~ scale of C major}  14b: being 
   neither sharp nor flat  14c: having the pitch modified by the natural 
   signM: NATURAL implies lacking artificiality and self-consciousness and 
   having a spontaneousness suggesting the natural rather than the man-made 
   world; INGENUOUS implies inability to disguise or conceal one's feelings or 
   intentions; NAI:VE suggests lack of worldly wisdom often connoting 
   credulousness and unchecked innocence; UNSOPHISTICATED implies a lack of 
   experience and training necessary for social ease and adroitness; ARTLESS 
   suggests a naturalness resulting from unawareness of the effect one is 
   producing on others - nat.u.ral.ly av SYN syn INGENUOUS, NAI:VE, 
2. natural n 1: one born without the usual powers of reason and 
   understanding : IDI OT 2a: the character or sign <natural-sign> placed on 
   any degree of musica l staff to nullify the effect of a preceding sharp or 
   flat 2b: a note or tone affected by the natural sign  3: a result or 
   combination that immediately wins the stake in a game; sp ecif : a throw of 
   7 or 11 on the first cast in craps 4a: one having natural skills, talents, 
   or abilities  4b: something that is likely to become an immediate success  
   4c: one that is obviously suitable for a specific purpose