Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ran.dom \'ran-d*m\ n [ME, impetuosity, fr. MF randon, fr. OF, fr. randir 
   to run, of Gmc]origin; akin to OHG rinnan to run - more at RUN : a 
   haphazard course  : without definite aim, direction, rule, or method  - at 
2. random aj 1: lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern  2: being a 
   member of, consisting of, or relating to a set of elements that  have a 
   definite probability of occurring with a specific frequency {~ variable}; 
   specif : being or relating to a member of a set whose members have an equal 
   probability of occurring {table of ~ numbers}termined by accident rather 
   than design. RANDOM stresses lack of definite aim, fixed goal, or regular 
   procedure; HAPHAZARD applies to what is done without regard for regularity 
   or fitness or ultimate consequence; CASUAL suggests working or acting 
   without deliberation, intention, or purpose; DESULTORY implies a jumping or 
   skipping from one thing to another ungoverned by method or system - 
   ran.dom.ly av SYN syn RANDOM, HAPHAZARD, CASUAL, DESULTORY mean de 
3. random av : in a random manner