Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. small                 
1. lit.tle \'lit-*l\ \'lit-*l-*r, 'lit-l*r\ \'les\ \'les-*r\ \'lit-*l-*st, 
   'lit-l*st\ \'le-st\ \'lit-*l-n*s\ aj or lit.tler or less or less.er;  or 
   lit.tlest;  or least [ME littel, fr. OE ly-tel; akin to OHG luzzil little, 
   Lith] liusti to be sad 1: not big : as  1a: small in size or extent : TINY 
   {has ~ feet}  of a plant or animal  1b: small in comparison with related 
   forms  1c: small in number  1d: small in condition, distinction, or scope  
   1e: NARROW, MEAN  1f: pleasingly small  2: not much : as  2a: existing only 
   in a small amount or to a slight degree  2b: short in duration : BRIEF  3: 
   small in importance or interest : TRIVIAL  - lit.tle.ness n
2. little \'les\ \'le-st\ av or less;  or least 1a: in only a small 
   quantity or degree : SLIGHTLY  1b: not at all  2: INFREQUENTLY, RARELY 
3. little n 1: a small amount or quantity  2a: a short time  2b: a short 
   distance  : on a small scale; esp : in miniature  - in little