Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. care                  
1. con.cern \k*n-'s*rn\ vb [ME concernen, fr. MF & ML; MF concerner, fr. ML 
   concernere,]fr. LL, to sift together, mingle, fr. L com- + cernere to sift 
   1a: to relate to : be about  1b: to bear on  2: to have an influence on : 
   INVOLVE; also : to be the bus iness or affair of 3: to be a care, trouble, 
   or distress to  4: ENGAGE, OCCUPY  obs  : to be of importance : MATTER 
2. concern n 1: something that relates or belongs to one : AFFAIR  2: 
   matter for consideration  3a: marked interest or regard usu. arising 
   through a personal tie or relati onship 3b: a state of uncertainty and 
   apprehension  4: an organization or establishment for business or 
   manufacture  5: CONTRIVANCE, GADGET