Cross references:
1. happen
1. chance \'chan(t)s\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL cadentia fall, fr. L
cadent-, cade]ns, prp. of cadere to fall; akin to Skt s'ad to fall 1a:
something that happens unpredictably without discernible human intentio n
or observable cause 1b: the assumed impersonal purposeless determiner of
unaccountable happenin gs : LUCK 1c: the fortuitous or incalculable element
in existence : CONTINGENCY)M 2: a situation favoring some purpose 3: a
fielding opportunity in baseball 4a: the possibility of an indicated or a
favorable outcome in an uncertain situation 4b: the degree of likelihood
of such an outcome 5a: RISK 5b: a ticket in a raffle - chance aj
2. chance vi 1a: to take place or come about by chance : HAPPEN 1b: to be
found by chance 1c: to have the good or bad luck 2: to come or light by
chance 1: to leave the outcome of to chance 2: to accept the hazard of :