Webster's English Dictionary

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coif or coiffe \'ko.if, in sense 2 usu 'kwa:f\ \'ko.if, 'kwa:f\ \'kwa:f\ n 
   or coiffed or coifed;  or coiffing;  or coifing [ME coife, fr. MF, fr. LL 
   cofea] 1: a close-fitting cap : as  1a: a hoodlike cap worn by nuns under a 
   veil  1b: a soldier's defensive skullcap worn under a hood of mail  1c: a 
   white cap formerly worn by English lawyers and esp. by serjeants-at-l aw; 
   also : the order or rank of a serjeant-at-law 2: COIFFURE  - coif vt