Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hood \'hu.d\ \-.li-k\ n [ME, fr. OE ho-d; akin to OHG huot head 
   covering] 1a1: a flexible covering for the head and neck  1a2: a protective 
   covering for the head and face  1b: a covering for a hawk's head and eyes  
   1c: a covering for a horse's head; also : BLINDER  2a: an ornamental fold 
   at the back of an academic gown or ecclesiastical ve stment 2b: a color 
   marking or crest on the head of an animal or an expansion of th e head that 
   suggests a hood 3a: something resembling a hood in form or use  3b: a cover 
   for parts of mechanisms; specif : the movable metal cov ering over the 
   engine of an automobile - hood vt
2. hood \'hu.d, 'hu:d\ n slang  : HOODLUM