Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mail \'ma-(*)l\ n [ME male, maille, fr. OE ma-l agreement, pay, fr. ON 
   ma]-l speech, agreement; akin to OE m- speech, mo-t meeting - more at 
   MEET chiefly Scot  : PAYMENT, RENT 
2. mail n [ME male, fr. OF, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG malaha bag] often 
   attrib  chiefly Scot  1: BAG, WALLET  2a: the bags of letters and the other 
   postal matter conveyed under public a uthority from one post office to 
   another 2b: the postal matter consigned at one time to or from one person 
   or one po st office or conveyed by a particular train, airplane, or ship 
   2c: a conveyance that transports mail  3a: a nation's postal system  3b: 
   postal matter 
3. mail vt : to send by mail : POST 
4. mail n [ME maille, fr. MF, fr. L macula spot, mesh] 1: armor made of 
   metal links or plates  2: the hard enclosing covering of various animals 
   (as of a tortoise) 
5. mail vt : to arm with mail