Webster's English Dictionary

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1. com.pa.ny \'k*mp-(*-)ne-\ n [ME companie, fr. OF compagnie, fr. compain 
   companion, fr. LL] companio 1a: association with another : FELLOWSHIP  1b: 
   COMPANIONS, ASSOCIATES  1c: VISITORS, GUESTS  2a: a group of persons or 
   things  2b: a body of soldiers; specif : an unit (as of infantry) consistin 
   g usu. of a headquarters and two or more platoons 2c: an organization of 
   musical or dramatic performers {opera ~}  2d: the officers and men of a 
   ship  2e: a fire-fighting unit  2f: a local congregation of Jehovah's 
   Witnesses  3a: a chartered commercial organization or medieval trade guild  
   3b: an association of persons for carrying on a commercial or industrial en 
   terprise 3c: those members of a partnership firm whose names do not appear 
   in the fi rm name {John Doe and Company}
2. company vt : ACCOMPANY, ASSOCIATE